Ending Homelessness While Standing on One Foot

The Talmud relates a fascinating tale. A potential convert approached Rabbi Hillel and said, “Convert me, on condition that you teach me the entire Law while I am standing on one foot…” He converted him and said to him: “That which is hateful to you do not do to another; that is the entire Law, and the rest is its interpretation. Go study.”

In this essay, we will attempt to follow Rabbi Hillel’s lead, at least in spirit, and boil down ending homelessness to its bare essentials. Are you ready? Stand on one foot; here we go.



End homelessness by systemically delivering housing solutions to those experiencing homelessness. (We even used the same number of words Hillel did!)

Here is the same in eleven statements:

  • We can end homelessness, i.e. make it rare, brief and nonrecurring.
  • There is a consensus among researchers in the field about how to do this, so listen to them.
  • Only housing ends homelessness (though housing only may not).
  • The breakdown of a person’s social network is usually the proximate cause of a person’s homelessness.
  • To end homelessness, you need an effective homeless response system, where everyone works together.
  • Such systems are guided by MDHA-like organizations all around the country.
  • Homeless response systems may vary, but they share the same basic pillars.
  • The homeless response system cannot solve other societal problems.
  • Ending homelessness is not just the right thing to do; ending homelessness will save us money.
  • Our society is at a rare inflection point, and depending on what we do today. We could greatly increase homelessness or greatly reduce it. It is entirely up to us.
  • We need you to support your local homeless response system, help the homeless build networks, and advocate for housing in your neighborhood.

The rest is interpretation. Click here, go study and act!

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